Brandon Glover is the director of The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Laborers are Few. The film screens at the Churches Making Movies Christian Film Festival in Basking Ridge, New Jersey on Sunday, October 13th at 3:45pm.
Q. What is your film background? A. My background in film started with a desire to produce music videos. Once upon a time, I was a secular rap artist. I wanted really good videos for my music, but couldn’t afford them. At this time I was undecided about what I was going to major in at college, so I decided to major in Media Arts. From there, I learned the theory of filmmaking and decided to start my own production company. I’ve been working at that ever since. Through relationships and networking via school and local production companies, I’ve had the opportunity to work for “American Idol” (multiple seasons), “Hoarders”, a feature film, and a Lifetime channel pilot. I’ve written and been the DP on many short films. The Harvest is Plentiful is the first that I’ve written and directed to be picked up by a film festival.
Q. As a Christian, how do you see yourself impacting the film industry?
A. As a Christian, I see myself impacting the film industry by staying true to biblical principles and myself. I try to always remind myself that without GOD, I can accomplish nothing, so HE always gets the glory. Not myself nor anyone else. Through storytelling and producing “real-life” scenarios, we can impact the film industry by showing people how to respond to those scenarios as a Christian. In some instances, prayerfully even lead people to salvation through Jesus Christ.
Q. What was the biggest challenge you overcame to make your film?
A. The biggest challenge we had to overcome producing this film was the heat. Columbia, SC has brutal summers, and the heat index was about 103 degrees when we filmed the outside scenes.
Q. Who are your biggest influences in film and why?
A. Pureflix productions are my biggest influence in film. They showed me that you can stay true to biblical principles and still be very successful in the film industry.
Q. What is the funniest or weirdest thing that has ever happened to you on set?
A. The weirdest thing ever happened to me on set was, on a documentary, I was dropping footage and all of a sudden the plug from the external hard drive just popped out of the electrical socket. I freaked out thinking all my footage was lost. But thank GOD, it was not. Craziest thing I’ve ever seen because the plug was not loose at all in the socket.
Q. What is your favorite Bible verse? And how does this influence your filmmaking?
A. Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
These scriptures influence my filmmaking by reminding me that regardless of how I feel, or when I don’t understand why things are not happening as planned on set or post production, or pre- production, etc., I must continue to put all my trust in GOD. I must always acknowledge HIS sovereignty in everything that I do as a person and as a filmmaker.