When the Saints
Director: Dan Parris
Country of filming: Malawi
Film Type: Feature length documentary
Run Time: 1hr, 3mins
When the Saints documents one young man’s mission end sexual exploitation in the African nation of Malawi, a journey that begins in his own heart. The program not only calls us to care about justice for girls trafficked in rural Africa, but also to examine the ways that lust, personal impurity, pornography, and distorted views about romantic friendships serve to feed the problem. The film is a thought-provoking and powerful tool to rally the saints with a call to greater purity.
Film in Conversation
Year 33
Director: Shane Pergrem
Country of filming: United States
Film Type: Feature length documentary
Run Time: 48 minutes 50 seconds
This story follows the life of the filmmaker from growing up in a broken home and barely graduating high school to now, at 33 years old, running a successful business, doing what I love (making films) with a fantastic family and friends by my side, living in a thriving, up-scale community. Year 33 follows the telling of this story through the seasons of 2015, my 33rd year on earth. With many twists and turns though out the story, you see how I got to where I am and how things in my life might not be as great as I think they are. We all face adversity in our lives, Year 33 is a story of how to overcome adversity to become the person you are truly meant to be.
The Two Faces
of Luther
Director: Brad (Jong Chul) Kim
Church affiliation: Brad Film Ministry
Country of filming: Germany, Israel, United States
Film Type: Documentary Feature
Runtime: 1 hour 28 minutes
One man’s righteous anger burned against the church that exploited and oppressed the people. With his response of 95 theses, Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation which would forever change the history of Europe.
Now, discover a side of Martin Luther you didn’t know. Luther’s anti-Semitism.
Martin Luther, the hero of modern Christianity, failed to reform the anti-Semitism of the corrupt 15th century church. In fact, he spent his latter years himself, engulfed in hatred towards the Jews. The anti-Semitic writings he would write during this time were then later manipulated by Nazi Germany. The historical fact that millions of Jews died under Hitler with the help of Luther’s ideas and words, is now, and must now be revealed.
The Cowboy
and The Preacher
Director: Will Fraser
Country of filming: United States
Film Type: Narrative Short
Runtime: 1 hour 32 minutes
Tri Robinson, an evangelical pastor in Idaho who is also a life-long environmentalist, has battled throughout his life to try to get conservative Christians, many of whom do not take the environment seriously, to realise that being a conservative Christian and an environmentalist are not mutually exclusive. Most environmental films seem to be framed for a liberal audience - ie they preach to the converted.
This film aims at the unconverted, while also offering liberals and non-Christians a fascinating portrayal of conservative evangelical life, values and mindset. This film is absolutely timely - not only is the destruction of the environment probably the most important issue facing all people, but many American politicians and voters are in denial about it.
In the film we see the efforts Tri makes to create a green conservative church and unite this with his life as a rancher, all the while developing a Christian system of ideas that unites environmentalism with moral development and action.
1517 The
Flame Rekindled
Director: Clayton Van Huss
Country of filming: United States
Film Type: Documentary Feature
Runtime: 50 minutes 6 seconds
Non-Profit Affiliation: Appalachian Educational Communication Corporation
500 years ago, a single monk had the audacity to nail his problems with the Church to the door of the Church. The single most influential man in the history of the world since the time of the apostles, who was Martin Luther and how did his actions on October 31, 1517 change the world?
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Director: Mingi Kim
Country of filming: United States
Film Type: Documentary short
Runtime: 11 minutes 11 seconds
Paul’s brother Timmy was shot and killed while working his part-time job at a shoe store. Distraught by his brother's murder, Paul swore revenge. Once the murderer was found and tried, Paul would have to face him in court. Would he be able to forgive?
Film in Conversation